When you live with MS, exercise and physical activity can have profound effects on your overall well-being.
Exercise and physical activity have been proven to improve health by helping:
Especially when it comes to certain MS symptoms, exercise can be a powerful tool. For example, aerobic exercise can improve your stamina and reduce fatigue, stretching can increase your flexibility and comfort, and staying active can help improve your cognition.
Both exercise and the physical activities of your day-to-day life can be beneficial for your health and well-being.
Specific, structured movement with an intended goal or purpose.
Physical Activity
All of your movement throughout the day.
A great goal is to reach 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week, regardless of your ability level.
This is the National MS Society’s recommendation for people with MS based on published research and the expert advice of MS-specialist neurologists, physical therapists, and exercise professionals.
Before you begin any new activities, check with your healthcare provider for safety tips, recommendations, or guidance on what activities are safe or should be avoided.
If 150 minutes per week sounds impossibly high, remember that all your daily activities count, including going up and down stairs, making the bed, loading the washing machine, getting dressed, and walking the dog.
MS makes your energy a precious resource.
You don’t want to waste valuable energy on movement that doesn’t matter. As you decide how to spend your energy throughout the day, keep your goals in mind.
Each day may be different from others.
Remember, exercise and physical activity are for both fitness and function.
A structured exercise program for people with MS includes four primary elements: flexibility, balance/coordination, strength, and aerobic capacity.
Your unique needs and goals will determine which elements of exercise need more or less attention.
Aerobic exercise, or cardiorespiratory exercise, helps to build the strength and endurance of your heart and lungs.
Like other forms of exercise, aerobic exercise can be adapted to your abilities.
Flexibility or stretching exercises can help to improve range of motion (ROM) of your muscles and joints. They can also help to address MS symptoms such as muscle spasms, tightness, or spasticity/stiffness.
Balance and coordination exercises are helpful in improving stability during sitting, standing, or walking movements.
Your balance consists of input from your eyes, inner ear, and muscles and nerves in your trunk and legs. The brain and spinal cord synthesize this information to provide a message back to the body. Since MS affects your central nervous system and its ability to transmit messages in the body, it often affects balance and coordination.
Exercises for balance and coordination are highly individualized. They require the expertise of a physical therapist, who will help you identify the areas of balance you need to work on and their corresponding exercises.
Resistance exercises can include equipment, but aren’t always necessary.
A physical therapist or an exercise specialist who understands MS can help you identify which exercise and techniques can be most helpful for you!
As you get started, take it slowly and build up gradually. Try to reach a moderate level of intensity – which is different for every person. Remember, the exercise that’s most effective is the one that you’ll stick with.
Living with MS, you face much bigger obstacles to sticking with a physical activity regimen than the average person without MS. Some days, you wake up and simply don’t have the energy because of MS fatigue, hot weather, a busy day before, or just feeling discouraged.
If particular symptoms like pain, weakness, or stiffness are getting in the way, be sure to talk with your healthcare team about strategies to feel better.
With time, you’ll learn to differentiate between days when you truly need to take it easy and days when it’s OK to push yourself a bit. The thing to keep in mind is that there’s no downside. Exercise and physical activity will help you feel stronger and more energized.
Listen to your body.
If you need a day to rest and recover, that’s OK – you can start up again tomorrow.
Sprinkle short workouts throughout your day.
Mini workouts—just a minute or so at a time—can help you reach your daily activity goals.
Have a menu of exercise and activity options.
With a list on hand of different workouts, movements, and activities, you can choose what feels best for you on any given day. All of the options on that menu should be appropriate for your ability level and effective for your goals—just requiring various time or energy levels.
Follow the 2-hour rule.
If you haven’t returned to your pre-workout baseline within 2 hours, then you have done too much.
Keep cool.
As little as a 0.1-degree decrease in body temperature has been shown to improve exercise tolerance, performance, and recovery. Use cooling strategies before, during, or after exercise.
Find your cheerleaders.
We all need support and encouragement to stay motivated.
Track your progress, enjoy your successes, be forgiving of your lapses, and keep moving!
Explore All Exercises
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Explore All ExercisesIf you’re ready for a fitness program designed with you in mind, join us for MS Moves. We’ll help you build an exercise routine and stick to it!
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