Newly Diagnosed Meetups

A new multiple sclerosis diagnosis can take everything that you know and turn it on its head. Are you trying to find your new normal? We invite young adults, newly diagnosed, or anyone in their first five to ten years of life with MS to join us and learn how to navigate your MS with confidence.

2025 Program Dates - Mark your calendar!

These programs take place from 6:00-7:15pm ET.

Tuesday, February 11 - Diagnosed with MS... Now What?
Tuesday, April 8 - MS Treatment Decisions Simplified
Tuesday, June 17 - Finding Resources and Support You Can Trust
Tuesday, August 19 - Daily Life With MS: Employment, Family Planning & Relationships
Tuesday, October 28 - Taking Control of Your Health and Your MS
Tuesday, December 16 - Moving Into Your New Normal with Confidence


Format as 'YYYY'

By checking the box below, you agree to the following:
    During the program, I may learn about exercises, resources, and interventions from speakers and other participants. I understand that I should consult with a professional about anything related to my health and wellness.
•    I understand that this program is strictly educational and nothing provided at this program should be construed as professional advice.
•    I give Can Do MS permission to use my de-identified image for the purpose of promoting other free programs.
•    I understand that Can Do MS may record this program for internal program review only; videos will not be shared to external audiences.
•    I understand Can Do MS’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policies

If you have questions or need assistance, please call or email:
Can Do MS | 1-800-367-3101